If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.
--- Benjamin Franklin

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Who is different nowadays?

It was observed that children this days are different.
  They are different in attitudes.
  They are different in characters.
  They are different in styles.
  They are different in giving respect and answering.
  They are not sensitive to needs, especially to those who need help.
  They are not like the former youth, way back two to three decades ago.

And why these different changes had happen in our children today?
Is it because the present culture and norms had became complicated and changes? The arrival of different technology affects our youth differently. Some of them had put their focus on cellphones, laptop, play station, TV, and others that do not practice human relation.
The need of money had trigger the minds to formulate and invent gadgets that could divert and catch attention to spend time and use money. That is why sometimes you could notice group of children and adults that goes together playing or doing something which are less important.
But why is it that children had became different?
It is because parents nowadays are very different. They are not aware of their authority and integrity as parents. They do not put limits. They are not careful in instructing and showing. And do not really understand their function as parent.
What the parent know in majority, they were the provider of needs and shield to their dependents. And they know nothing, or only few knows about their very important obligations.

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