If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.
--- Benjamin Franklin

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

What We Need to Know About Multiple Intelligence

The Intelligence of the Symbol Analyst

Linguistic Intelligence entails facility in the use of spoken language and written language. As with all the intelligence, there are several "sub types," or varieties, of linguistic intelligence: the intelligence of individual who is good at learning foreign languages, for example, or the intelligence of skilled writer, who succeeds in conveying complex ideas in appropriately crafted prose.

Logical-mathematical Intelligence. As the name implies, this form of intelligence breaks down readily into two classes of capacities. Clearly logical intelligence is crucial for any manger whose responsibility includes determining what was happened, and what may happen, under various scenarios. Related but separable is the capacity to move comfortably in the world of numbers: to calculate financial or monetary considerations, to estimate profits or losses, to decide how best to invest an unexpected windfall, and so on. Certain businessman have stood out in term of their logical or logical-mathematical capacities.

"Non-canonical" Intelligence

Human beings posses at least six or seven other identifiable intelligence; that is a half-dozen or more additional forms of mental representation. Like linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence, each can also broken down into subtypes.

Musical Intelligence. facility in the preparation and production of music-is in many ways analogous to linguistic intelligence. Among the identifiable sub types are the appreciation of melody and harmony; sensitivity to rhythm; the ability to recognize variation in timbre and tonality; and, speaking more holistically, the capacity to apprehend the structure of works of music. Of course individual involved in the worlds of art and entertainment give pride of place to musical intelligence. It is less frequently appreciated that musical intelligence figures prominently in almost any kind of public presentation, ranging from television commercials to full-length movies to organize conferences, athletic events, and religious services.

Spatial Intelligence. the capacity to form spatial representations or images in one's mind, and to operate upon the obviously.

Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence. the capacity to solve problems or to create products using your whole body, or parts of your body, like your hand or your mouth.

Natural Intelligence. the capacity to make consequential discrimination in the natural world: between one plant and another; between one animal and another; among varieties of clouds, rock formation, tidal configuration and the like.

The Personal Intelligence
A third group of intelligence, of much interest lately, involves knowing human beings. One uses one's interpersonal intelligence to discriminate among persons, figure out their motivations, work effectively with them, and, if necessary, manipulate them. Intrapersonal intelligence, its compliment, is directed inward. The intrapersonal intelligent person possesses a good working model of herself; can identify personal feelings, goals, fears, strengths, and weaknesses; and can, in the happiest circumstance, use that model to make judisious decisions in his life.

Existential Intelligence
The human capacity to pose and ponder the biggest question: "Who are we? Why are here? What is going to happen to us? Why do we die? What is it all about, in the end?" All over the world children and adults pose these questions, and many religious, artistic, philosophical, and myth "symbol system" have arisen in effort to provide satisfying answer to this question.

Source: Changing Minds, by Howard Gardner


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