This is not an assurance that will make life more meaningful and excelllent, but if considered carefully, it may be achieved what had mentioned.
First, we need leaders who model high intelligence. in particular we need leaders who can articulate a positive vision of development and progress-even if it doesn't make all of us happy. We need leaders who appeal to our higher selves and invite to grow as individual and a society, rather than leaders who pander to our primal fears and selfish greed.
Second, we need an educational system that honors the principles and behaviors associated with high social intelligence, and that teaches our young people to understand the cultures and subcultures through which they must navigate in this modern world, and that emphasizes the value of collaboration over conflict. We need an educational system that equips young people to express their ideas clearly, to make themselves understood, and to seek to understand others before reacting to their behavior . They need at least a workable alternative to the standard seventeen-word teenager vocabulary- "awesome," "weird," "i'm like...," "Oh my God!,"