If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.
--- Benjamin Franklin

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Handling Information

Here and there, people are looking and craving for more information. It has been a part of growth and moving that we get information for direction and guidance to perform and follow. A lot of information are being brought out to inform and transfer knowledge, it is use for service, direction, guidance, inspiration, transformation, and others. But many can't handle and store knowledge and information arrives daily.

Here are some ways to help us improve in acquiring and storing information and knowledge.

Improve reading Skills
Reading does not exactly mean the capacity to read the word, but it is the ability to read and understand. We need to exercise and maintain the habit of reading daily, information we take in are the food of the brain, to be properly nourished, for us to think and conceive wisely. If you're not capable to do it, then hire a tutor if necessary, or take and get a speed reading and comprehension course

Have Only the Information you Want and Need
If we don't have so much time to spend in reading, have only the part that is important or interest to us. Hire a reader who will read a book, article, or news for you, it is another way to catch up the needed information that you must have to acquire. Anything has a solution if you really want to grow and improve your thinking capacity.

Resist some Destruction
Things can destruct and divert our attention, but if you really want to have what you want, make a way and do it in anyway so that you may have what you want. Don't put reasons for inability, but rather make everything a reason for you to improve and acquire more knowledge and ideas.

Have Technology, but Resist its Seduction
Technology is a tool, a gadget that will improve our skills and ability. But once you're under its influence, you will never think and preform right. Remember, anything that it does, it is you who have it, don't make yourself be controlled and dependent on it. It was you who made it.

Specialize. But not Too Much
Sometimes we doesn't know who we are, our distinction, because we posses different personality and skills. Have only what we can control, or if you want to level up, get away from your previous and let others have it. We can't have anything done by our selves, although we're jack of all trades.

Know What You Are Really Looking For.
Be particular and specific with your goals and mission in your life. Knowledge and information were not free, so we must be guided accordingly. Attend seminars and course that pertains to what you really want.

Don’t settle, read more..

Improve your leadership. http://leadership-styles.blogspot.com/
Re-invent relationship. http://iloveyou-mydear.blogspot.com/
Be healthy and harvest more. http://healthy-harvest.blogspot.com/
Advertising, and our stories. http://jonaflor-micfren.blogspot.com/
Acquire new knowledge. http://learner-spot.blogspot.com/
If you take it, share it. http://takeitorshareit.blogspot.com/
Information of Educational change. http://ineduchange.webs.com


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