If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.
--- Benjamin Franklin

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Missing the Point

A father and son visit a family in a rural community one day. They have observed and seen a lot of things that was happening in the community. While they are on their way going home, the father said to his son, “what a poor families living in a rural area,” and then the father ask his son, “what have you observed when we’re there in the community,” the son replied, “dad, I observed that they were more fortunate,” then the father ask, “how, and why?” the son continued, “we have one dog while they have three, we have swimming pool but they have a
river, we have concrete fence to protect us from intruder while they have friends to take care of them, we have encyclopedia to know more about our environment but they have Bible to learn more about our Creator.” The father became silent and thinks about what his son had observed.

I heard this story in a midweek prayer meeting, the speaker read it from one of his messages in his cell phone then he continued to share message. I got the idea to share it, because some of us crave and aspire to have better home the way the wealthy people had it. Learn to understand and accept our own as better than what the other had.

Don’t settle, read more..

Improve your leadership. http://leadership-styles.blogspot.com/
Re-invent relationship. http://iloveyou-mydear.blogspot.com/
Be healthy and harvest more. http://healthy-harvest.blogspot.com/
Advertising, and our stories. http://jonaflor-micfren.blogspot.com/
Acquire new knowledge. http://learner-spot.blogspot.com/
If you take it, share it. http://takeitorshareit.blogspot.com/
Information of Educational change. http://ineduchange.webs.com
Pictures that complete the story http://digitalpicturesite.blogspot.com/


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